Prof. Doctor of Science Phan Xuan Dzung talking about the Fourth S and T Revolution
With the theme "The Fourth S & T Revolution, our Opportunity?", at the talk, Prof. Dr. Phan Xuan Dzung introduced briefly about the history and significance of the three S & T revolutions had taken place in history; the origin of the fourth revolution; Identification of the opportunities and challenges of Vietnamese enterprises before the Fourth science and technology Revolution, etc.
With predictions of the effects of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, countries in the world have given breakthrough policies that take advantage of opportunities and overcome its challenges. The revolutions have appeared and gone along with the emerging nations that have seized the opportunity with steely determination of nation enhancing its position in the world map such as: Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, etc. is a useful lesson for Vietnam.
According to Dr. Phan Xuan Dzung, to take advantage of that opportunity, every organization or enterprise needs to identify and evaluate the impact of this revolution for the entire operation of the organization or enterprise, on that basis, timely exploitation of the the Fourth Revolution core spirit so that it is not to be left behind. The enterprises or organizations are applied and exploited well will be pioneers in the field of their activity.
Prof. Dr. Phan Xuan Dzung said that the nature and revolution of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is the intelligent science and production technology Revolution.
This is special true for organizations providing science and technology services like VinaCert, the pioneering implementation of activities to exploit the advantages of the Fourth Science and Technology Revolution is necessary and being very well implemented through the promotion of "big data" data stores or laboratory, farm management software, etc.
"This is also a strategy for success of many companies and corporations in the world. With the VinaCert’s working way, the love of the work of people who are working at VinaCert, I believe that at any time, I will be proud to say that VinaCert is also a multinational company ... ", Dr. Phan Xuan Dung said.
Prof. Dr. Phan Xuan Dung giving flower and congratulating to Mr. Nguyen Huu Dzung and wishing VinaCert to achieve many important achievements in the coming time.
In the air of the whole country welcoming a new spring, Mr. Phan Xuan Dung has sent greetings to all leaders and staffs of VinaCert for a prosperous new year and to contribute intellectually to create more and more beakthrough in the company's activities in the future.
On behalf of VinaCert, Mr. Nguyen Huu Dzung, Chairman of the Board of the company has also sent his wishes for a health and happiness New Year to Mr. Phan Xuan Dzung and officers and staffs of Science, Technology and Environment Committee of the National Assembly; Wished Dr. Phan Xuan Dung continue to contribute to the development of science and technology in general, science and technology services in particular.